
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Succeeding As a Woman in Male-Dominated Fields

Dealing with Discrimination:

The problems for female executives are not all going to disappear in the near future but, hopefully, they'll become a bit less frustrating if we take appropriate countermeasures.

First, don't lower your standards for anyone.

This is the 21st century, and there are many sources of support for women, including mentors, local and national women's groups, online forums, and your own family and friends. So aim high and realize that it's not an easy road but one well worth everything you put into it.

Second, be sure you are well qualified and maintain your professionalism by striving to improve your skills with ongoing practice and education.

One of the most impressive comments I received several years ago at a Women in Aviation Conference came from the Ninety-Nines President, Joyce Wells. She told me how she remembered me as being a "very serious and dedicated pilot." Funny, I never thought of myself that way, but I'm glad to hear others did. Perhaps the old "looks like, walks like, talks like, must be one" became a self-fulfilling prophesy. So take note and revise your self-image to include a clear vision of yourself in your future professional role, whatever that may be.

Third, continue to demonstrate that you don't expect any favors just because you're a woman.

That doesn't mean that you can't enjoy and appreciate the actions and attentions of a gentleman. Courtesy and consideration are valuable tools in everyone's kitbag. However, you can be both professional and feminine at the same time. Because reputations are hard to shed, make sure you earn one that you'll be proud of and that affords you the respect you deserve.

Finally, learn to take the comments you hear with a grain of salt.

Many of them will be aimed at eliciting a reaction from you. Others will be a lame attempt to talk to you when a fellow just doesn't know how to react to or approach a female executive. I find that if I allow 90% of the comments I hear to go in my left ear and out my right, that tends to place them in the proper perspective.

You don't have to play catch-up or act like one of the boys to succeed. Just be yourself and stay focused. Your efforts will pay off in the end. One day soon you'll find yourself encouraging another up-and-coming female, remembering when you were in that very same position.

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