
Monday, August 10, 2009

Experience Versus Book Learning

Do not underestimate the power of trial and error. Experience can be an invaluable resource in the working world. "Speed Study" and rote memorization narrow your frame of reference and may not provide the same opportunities for learning. If I had to assess the value of my book learning versus the "been there, done that" system, I'd certainly pick the latter as offering much more substance and inspiring greater confidence. Don't be afraid to get your feet wet. These may be your greatest chances for success.

1 comment:

  1. When you say you'd pick the latter, my question is, would you advise for a new person just entering the field, would it be better to get a degree with the minimum to little more than the minimum flight hours or would it be better to get 300 to 500 plus flight hours first and then a degree? I ask this because in researching flight schools, they each offer different amounts of flight time upon graduation of the course.
